Professional Sapper Services

Expert opinions

The sapper’s expertise is created at the time of planning the investment. The awareness that two world wars have swept through Poland forces investors to obtain an opinion about the possibility of explosive and dangerous objects (PWiN) in a given area.

The expertise is prepared on the basis of historical data, conducted environmental interviews in the field, as well as information obtained from state services.

The sapper’s expertise is the basis for the Investor to take the next steps when the investment enters the design stage, so as to ensure maximum safety of the construction process during its implementation.

We provide expert opinions and sapper opinions on:

  • The possibility of the presence of abandoned ammunition, unexploded ordnance, misfires, warfare assets based on historical sources, historical maps, environmental interviews,
  • Calculation of the impact zones with debris, shock wave,
  • Defining risk zones for people, animals, buildings,
  • Determining the degree of danger of the find.
We offer professional sapper services. We specialize in demining, demolition using explosives, building monitoring, aerial photography, thermal imaging studies.
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